Panoramic Image Stitcher - Computer Vision/OpenCV
This is implemented in C++ using Open CV. All the stiching, interest point, feature descriptors are done manually. I only use opencv to put the data in a common format(Mats).
The Challenges
- Extract interest points using a harris detector
- Implement feature descriptors using SIFT
- Implement feature matching using Sum Squared Differences
- Compute homography matrix from matches using RANSAC
- Stich the images together using the homography matrix to a single large panorama image
- Blend the stiched images to get rid of stiching seams across images.
The Outcome
Original left image with feature descriptors detected
Original right image with feature descriptors detected
Simple SSD on the feature descriptors matched
RANSAC applied to the matches for a higher quality match
2 Stiched images, with some simple image blending
Final Stiched image, with multiple stitchings and blended